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During special occasions, members of the student union proudly wear the student union ribbon alongside their dark suits or formal attire. This ribbon is attached using pins or other methods, so when it hangs down to the waist, the ends of the ribbon cross each other, leaving part of the ends free.


When paired with a tailcoat, the student union ribbon descends from the right shoulder across the chest to the left waist, with the violet stripe positioned higher. With a dark suit, the ribbon goes over the tie.


For those wearing a dress, the student union ribbon descends from the left shoulder to the right side. To ensure it doesn't touch bare skin, you can also fold the ribbon into an 80 mm-wide rosette on the left side of the dress.


O'Diako's members who graduate from Diakonia University of Applied Sciences can continue to proudly wear the student union ribbon after graduation.


You can purchase the student union ribbon from O'Diako's office during its opening hours, at a cost of 5 euros per meter. Only O'Diako members and alumni are eligible to purchase the ribbon.

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